6th Question

Nowadays, we can see a lot of English words everywhere.

What's your feeling about this syndrome?


uniland21 said...

Hi, Eric
Probably you're worrying about the spreading English all over the Korea. I agree with you. Language is the root of our culture, emotion and mind. We can never be like English native speakers.And if our next generations become English native speakers, Korea won't exist any longer on the Earth. - HANS

Anonymous said...

English words in korean spelling are scattered everywhere, especially on the signboards or slogans for advertisement. As if the products would not sell in boorish Korean... In a sense, English used for that purpose sounds very attractive and sophisticated. However, the prejudice or illusion, about English and western culture, which triggers us to choose English phrases, is the problem. Language itself is not that important as long as it can keep its status as our first language. What is important is the thought and spirit contained in the language. We are contaminating our own langague with indiscrimate use of English in our words and we are also impairing our identity and spirit, I think...
In conclusion, we should restrain ourselves from carelessly mixing English or foreign languages with our beautiful and precious Korean.

Eun-ju, a dandle lion said...

I totally agree with Michelle. Korea seems to be a colony of America and maybe it's true....
Even though our economy ranks in the 12th largest in the world, if we cna't keep our subjectivity in the area of culture and politics, it's meaningless.

Liz said...

English seems like one of the Korean official langauges, Korean and English. I don't like the syndrome in korea. The thing I hate most about it is the one I have heard in the news on TV. Announcers and reporters are responsible for protecting our language from being polluted by any other languages. But they use a lot of English words unnecessarily when they are on TV. I think they've lost their responsibilty. Let's speak the right English in the right time.

Nicole said...

Hi Eric,
I have to agree with Michelle that it seems pointless to use so much English for no reason other than the popularity of the English craze. On the other hand, it's very helpful for me when I'm driving because I can't read Korean very quickly.