2nd question

What's the best way to have positive thought? Please tell me....


Anonymous said...

It looks like you are not in good mood, that is, losing positive attitude...
Actually, I wanted to ask that question to you. For you almost always look so active and positive about things.. Maybe everyone around us has the same opinion to mine about you^^.
I have trained myself to look on the bright side, since people tend to be so negative when they face challenges. Even though my strategy which has worked so far doesn't help me right now here in KNUE, I believe I can handle and overcome this hardship in the long run. Negative thoughts comes from fear and fear originated from difficulty. So, let's not be afraid of any situation. Then, we will be happy and positive.

Cheer up, Eric. *^^*

genius said...

Little prince Eric.
Your real voice is really good.
To have positive thinking ...
you have to always read monthly book 'positive thinking'.
It's joke.
Think of happy memories you had and lovable people you met.
You live in the heaven.
Don't lose your confidence.
Positive thinking comes from sound mind and body.
Enough rest and meditation will be useful.

Tim-shinhk405 said...

Hi, You have already looked positive all of us. You are very kind, smart, diligent and creative.
Please keep the apperance of the present. You're really good guy as my captain!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi~~! Our smart Captain!
Positive thinking is good for everybody. I think you already showed us your positive thinking and atitude. I like you very much as a class captain...!!
The best way to be positive might be to "free up your mind and carpe-diem"!!!
As you know I'm the person who is trying to pleasant and amused like Scarlett O'Hara
"After All Tomorrow Is Anther Day"

Nicole said...

What a great way to remind us to keep our thoughts positive. I think that I reaind myself to be positive whenever I start feeling that my life is not so great. I try to remember that I'm not in a war torn country, that I have food and a home, that I have family and friends.

Eun-ju, a dandle lion said...
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Eun-ju, a dandle lion said...

Enjoy negative things, too.
I was a little bit nervous in the first week, so I thought about it dancing! What am I scared of?
The answer was that I was afraid that I would not be loved by people. It was amazing to find it out! I never thought I was a that kind of person to be afrid of being hurt.
So, I kept in mind I don't have to be loved by all people and other people are not so crucial to my happiness even though they are important. I felt better and became positive.
Cheer up!! I really appreciate your efforts as a captian and I love your artistic sense.